Calling of Banns of Marriage

Reading of Banns - Church of England

Most Church of England marriages require banns to be published before the wedding can take place.
You won’t need to arrange banns until about four months before your wedding date.

Congratulations on your imminent wedding. If you require the reading of Banns of Marriage, we currently publish Banns at St Paul’s in Covingham for all those living in the parish.

The parish includes the areas of Nythe, Covingham, Liden and Eldene.

To make arrangement, please contact Maggie, our Church administrator on 01793 435987 or email at

Please take a look at this web site for more related information. Your church wedding-reading-of-banns.

For more information on Church of England marriages please see Your church wedding.

For information on Methodist marriages please see the Methodist Church website.