Safeguarding | Eco
Church | Sunday
Services on Youtube | Parish
Giving Direct Debit Scheme | Virtual
Offering Plate
Sunday | Sunday | |
8:45 am Normally Holy Communion Alternate Sundays (See notices for dates) |
10:30 am. Holy Communion or Morning Worship |
10:30 am Morning Worship or Holy Communion |
4.00 pm Messy Church on the 3rd. Sunday of each month. (See notices for dates) |
Tuesday | Tuesday | |
10:00 am. CID's Cafe-Coffee Morning (A Church in Dorcan Initiative) |
9:30 am CID's Too Coffee Morning (A Church in Dorcan Initiative) |
Wednesday | Wednesday | |
1:00 - Tiny Tots (During Term time) | 1:00 - 3.00pm Tiny Tots (During Term time) |
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better. Please introduce yourself.
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