Overseas Partners

We support two mission and prayer partners in Kibera, Kenya and Kampala, Uganda.

The Dorcan Church is also part of the Bristol-Uganda, Kampala and Luweero Diocesan Link.


Uganda Networks website linking partners and projects.

Diocese of Bristol - Dioceses of Kampala and Luweero Uganda

In 2001 & 2003 parties from Uganda visited the Dorcan Church. The members of the group included:

Diocese of Kampala

Diocese of Luweero

We have continued to maintain contact with Duncan and Marion in Kisaasi Village in the Kawempe division of Kampala. Duncan is an ordained priest in Kampala Diocese but is currently without a parish. Recently he has been Head of Education and lecturing at the Ugandan Pentecostal University in Fort Portal and is now working for an N.G.O Charity in Kampala. Marion is a teacher at the Alpha Pre-school and Kindergarten in Kampala. They have four children Martha, Daniel, Mary and Marianna.
Following a visits by Janet and Tony Prichard in February 2010 and February 2012 we have pledged to maintain better contact with The Diocese of Luweero.

Easter 2010 - Micah writes about the preparations at St. Paul's, Mulago which include Evening service during Holy Week with an Agape meal for the whole parish following the Maundy Thursday Communion. On Good Friday there was the Public Way of the Cross at the National Stadium for an Ecumenical Service. Four services on Easter Sunday and  a Baptism service for 30 infants on Easter Monday.
Following the landslides near Mt. Elgon in Eastern Uganda the church has sent clothes, shoes and maize flour to help those affected

October 2015 - Duncan Mugume and Elijah Kyingi visited the Swindon Deanery staying in TheDorcan Church. Their visit included the Parish Officers Day at Chippenham where they were able to exchange experiences of parish organisations here and in Uganda.

February 2017 - Seven people from the Swindon Deanery visited Kampala and Luweero. For a description of their visit click here.

October 2019 - Visit of Rev Paulson Tumutegyereize and St Paul’s Kiwiliriza

Our thanks and financial support

It was an absolute joy to welcome Rev Paulson to our United worship service last Sunday.
I’m sure you will agree that we were blessed by his presence, his greeting to us and all that he shared.

Our links with St Paul’s, Kiwiliriza, go back at last 25 years and started with a visit from Mavis Mason-Williams to the now Revd Canon Hellen Keller Oneka.
Canon Hellen is now the vicar at St Paul’s and Rev Paulson works with her. There is a lovely testimony of our relationship over the years from Canon Hellen which will be circulated electronically, with paper copies available in each centre.

You will know from Rev Paulson that our friends are building a new parish church. The size of their growing congregation means a bigger building is needed with community facilities, and there are plans agreed and started for a £600,000 project for a centre seating 1,000 people.
At the moment the existing St Paul’s church has 4 different services, starting at 6:45am on a Sunday with 200-300 at each to accommodate everyone.
The project has been started and they are building in faith that the finances will be provided. They are near to the end of the first phase of the foundation work costing $100k and hope to have the financial resources to lay their foundation stone on their 50th anniversary in November.

It would be a great show of our support and our special link if we might consider being a part of making the laying of the foundation stone happen.
As announced last Sunday, If you would like to make an offering to our friends as they build God’s house in their community, there will be baskets in both centres this Sunday and the following Sunday.
Additionally, if you would like to make an electronic transfer into the Dorcan account please do so with the reference “Uganda St Paul” so our lovely treasurer knows that it is for our friends in Kiwuliriza.

And thank you too for the generous offering of £200+ towards the costs of bringing our group of Uganda friends over to us.

Please hold Canon Hellen, Rev Paulson, and all the congregation in your prayers, particularly as they seek to build a new church centre to serve their community

Kenya - Kibera

Jon and Jo Parsons work with a Turning Point Project in Kibera, a huge slum area on the outskirts of Nairobi in Kenya. The project provides food and supports the education for some of the neediest children. A Community Farm has been set up in Kinangop about 80 miles from Nairobi. Here single mothers can take the first steps to independance.

Details about The Turning Point Trust and the Projects can be found  here.

Photo of Jon & Jo

Jon, Jo and Family [Photo: by arrangement with Jon Parsons]

If you missed the Kibera presentation on Sunday 21st. 2010 or would like to see it again the Powerpoint presentation is available here.

Build The Walls - notes from the Prayer meeting at Woking on 3rd. March 2012

Turning Point Alternative Christmas Gifts

2009 News from Kibera

Turning Point Trust on Facebook