Tuesday 8th. January 2008
Today has unfortunately seen a small upsurge in violence in some parts of the country, as Kibaki has named the top 15 positions in his cabinet. This has been interpreted as a provocative act on his part, which is why there has been some trouble. He is still maintaining that there is no need for mediation by John Kufuor, head of the African Union, who has arrived today. Whether or not the meeting scheduled for Friday between Kibaki and Odinga will go ahead remains unclear, as Odinga has said he will only attend if Kufuor chairs, and Kibaki seems to be against that.
However, from what we can ascertain at the moment, most of the incidents have occurred in western Kenya, Raila Odinga's heartland, and Nairobi has remained peaceful. So the planned food distribution tomorrow is still on, although we'll check there's been no trouble overnight before we give the final go ahead.
So, although Kenya is a lot more peaceful now, and people have returned to work and life has started to regain some normality, there is still a lot of tension, and I guess that things could potentially blow up again if mediation breaks down.
God bless, and thanks again for all your messages,
Wednesday 9th January
The food distribution went well today, we managed to organise it so a few people were allowed through to the vehicles at a time so that we weren't over-run by the end. Nakumatt (the supermarket chain) are not that happy about us doing it there but they share the car park with a number of other shops and the car park security is managed independently. The same chief of security as the other day was there and is in favour, but Jon has to argue it out every time. Please pray that we can continue or find a safe alternative venue with security available to assist us.
Nairobi is weirdly normal in terms of our day to day life except that everyone is still talking about it and waiting with baited breath to see whether things escalate again, particularly if Raila doesn't attend the meeting Kibaki has called for Friday, following Kibaki's provocative cabinet announcement yesterday including Kalonzo Musyoka as Vice President. He was the third runner in the race for President and started off with Raila in ODM for some time, then spit to form ODM-Kenya. Now he is standing at Kibaki's side in the top cabinet position.... A well-educated Kenyan friend of ours made a comment that Kenyan party politics is not yet about issues and methodology, it's still very much about personalities and power.
We gather that Kenya has dropped off BBC news now that things have calmed down a bit. News gets old so quickly.... it makes you realise how many other places must still need our prayers and help but are no longer exciting enough to make prime time. We'll try and keep you updated but there's not so much news here either. Please don't forget the people in Kibera (and many other places) whose houses were burnt and looted and don't have savings or credit cards or insurance schemes to go out and start again, those still camping at churches, stadiums and police stations and totally dependent on relief in order to survive. Pastor came back last night and today Jon helped him transport mattresses and blankets to re-equip his home a little bit before Eunice and their children arrived later today.
Thursday 10th January
Not really that much to report today - another peaceful day in Nairobi, though there was a demonstration we heard about that was apparently broken up by the police.
We've got all the food in readiness for another distribution tomorrow - 9am again our time, which is 0600 GMT. The food is gradually returning to supermarket shelves, which makes it easier for us with the amounts we have to source and purchase. The food for tomorrow's distribution was all provided by our local supermarket who had ordered in extra so they could supply us - and we got it at a good discount too which helps.
After tomorrow's distribution I (Jon) shall be meeting with Kariuki, Pastor and Eunice to discuss the reopening of the project - schools are scheduled to reopen next Monday, and most of our staff have now managed to return from up-country. However, Kibera is still not deemed to be a safe area for me to go, and it wouldn't be safe to get food transported into the TP compound for our usual feeding programme. It is hoped that once the school's are back Kibera will once again be safe and we can reopen.
Through all of the trouble the mums up at the community farm have been continuing peacefully to farm their land, and the reports we have been receiving from Peter, the farm manager, have all been positive. Pastor Shadrack is scheduled to go up there next Monday, and I'm planning to go the following week, so we'll have more news then.
Please continue to pray for Mama Milli and Magdalene, yet to return - we didn't realise Magdalene was in the difficult part of the country but she travelled to visit in-laws.
Thursday 10th January late update
African Union President John Kufuor has gone home, the headlines on the evening news here said 'Kufuor mediation talks collapsed'. BBC info puts it a bit differently and says that both sides had come up with an agreement which included an interim government and another election, presumably not too far off, but Raila says Kibaki is now refusing to honour it. There is now meant to be a team of African mediators headed by Kofi Annan coming to help out. Kibaki had the oath taking ceremony at State House for all his new cabinet which was televised, I have to say I did find it difficult watching Kalonzo Musyoka (that I mentioned yesterday) taking promises in his role as VP.... I find myself wondering, what do these promises really mean? I guess only God knows that really.
One of today's paper's published all the ECK Presidential results - the tally for every constituency - published the way they were read out by the ECK Chairman Samuel Kivuitu. He is angry they were published without seeking his permission, despite the fact he read them publicly after the election and a few days later went on record saying he actually doesn't know if Kibaki won or not.
We spoke to a friend this evening who is Country director for an NGO and sat in on a security meeting today - he said that the consensus that if there is more trouble it is likely to be next Tuesday 15th, when Parliament sits for the first time. That's also when all the schools are meant to reopen, so please keep that in prayer.
The news tonight also highlighted the fact that many health professionals who went to various places to vote have not been able to return to some of the most needy areas, so the GSU army unit are moving a mobile team of their doctors and health-related staff from place to place each day and seeing as many people as they can, dispensing drugs etc, but the need is such that supplies frequently run short. They mentioned that they were very concerned about diarrhoea setting in on large scale in a week or so, presumably severely compromising people for other infections. There are so many people here getting on and doing their bit.
Jon was talking to someone in the adjacent office to his today and mentioned the food distribution. Her honest attitude was "Oh I couldn't give anything to people in Kibera, they're the ones who've been doing the burning and looting." I'm sure we're all guilty of tarring people with a broad brush in different areas of our lives, when actually the truth is so far different. In Kibera it's a minority, some frustrated and feeling betrayed, some criminal, many under-educated and jobless..... and even some of those are now helping Kariuki give out the food tickets.... "Food for thought"?
Friday 11th January
I've just got back from this morning's food distribution. Unfortunately, the people with tickets seemed to have told their friends and neighbours, so instead of a queue of 150 people plus a few hangers on, there were probably around 400 people waiting when we arrived. This didn't please the centre management, or the supermarket manager, as it posed a security risk to the centre and to customers. However, after some discussion they allowed us to proceed carefully, and the actual distribution went off peacefully. The trouble was that there were then something in the region of 250 people left who hadn't got food. We had plenty of staff members trying to reason with them, but it did turn a little nasty with threats being made against us, in particular against Kariuki. Eventually the crowd dispersed, but many of them were angry that they were going away hungry. From their point of view they are just as needy and desperate as the 150 we had ticketed, so they could not understand why we would not give them food.
The crowd had drawn a lot of attention, and some people passing in cars had called the police to report a disturbance. The police had been in contact with the centre management to see if assistance in the form of police and tear gas were required but fortunately the management convinced them not to. However, we realised that this was the last time we could be doing the distribution in this way, and although we have discussed other options we haven't been able, as yet, to come up with a suitable alternative that ensures peace and safety.
We have also decided not to open the project next week, as it was felt that we couldn't safely transport food in at the moment, and some of our staff members haven't yet been able to come back to Nairobi. We are planning instead to reopen on 21st., when hopefully things will be calmer and safer in Kibera. Next Tuesday, when we have a management meeting, we shall discuss options for more food distribution, to see if there is a way we can do it safely. In some ways, now that the Red Cross operation is up and running, and the World Food Programme have brought in some trucks full of food for the relief effort, there is less of a need for us to be doing our small bit. Having said that though, there are still many in Kibera that the Red Cross are not reaching from their base, particularly those we know are in need in Mashimoni, so if we can restart we'd like to.
A mixture of emotions for me there this morning - excitement, fear, nervousness - plus utilising all my persuasive powers to allow us to do the distribution today, so I've come home ready for a sit down, which I shall now do!
Wednesday 16th January
Today has seen a return to the violent confrontations of a week or so ago, with the police firing tear gas on protesters, politicians and journalists in Nairobi, clashes in Mombasa, and two people reported dead in western Kenya. Kibera has seen some confrontations between protesters and the police too, with more burning, looting and gunshot wounds, though no-one has been killed as far as we know. Kariuki has reported running battles throughout the day within the slum, though he has been safe, and Pastor Shadrack on another side of Kibera has stayed indoors with his family the whole day as it's been too dangerous to go out. The good thing is that it's been raining for most of the day, and commentators are suggesting that this actually prevented many people from coming out in support of the rallies. It's unseasonal to have rain here at this time - maybe it's God's way of intervening?
I've postponed my trip into Kibera for the time being, though we are still planning to do the gift voucher distribution on Friday, and I'm meeting with Kariuki & Pastor Shadrack tomorrow morning to chat through the plan and ensure that we are keeping those involved in the selection & distribution process as safe as we can.
The children have been off school today, but will be back tomorrow as that area hasn't seen any trouble, and the school have decided it's safe to reopen. Jo will be glad to have them back at school, but also a little concerned for them as they'll be away from her.
It's late now, and I'm tired, so I'll leave it here. Who knows what tomorrow will bring with more demonstrations called, but God is Sovereign.
Thursday 17th January
Another day of people attempting to hold demonstrations in various different parts of the country, and I'm sorry to say that there are more casualties. This week it does seem to be very much ODM supporters against the Police, rather than inter-tribal violence, which I guess is a good thing.
The European Parliament have today called for the EU to suspend aid to Kenya, a move supported by Raila Odinga, but whether or not international pressure will have any effect or not I don't know. There are more and more commentators likening Kibaki to Mugabe, but we are hoping and praying that things don't go the same way as in Zimbabwe.
Hannah & Isaac have been at school again today, and they are due again tomorrow so their routine is being re-established to some extent - however, Hannah was the only child in her class there today! The areas of danger within Nairobi seem to be confined to Kibera and other slums, or the city centre, so we feel relatively safe when driving around other parts.
Tomorrow will see our first day distributing the supermarket gift vouchers, and I have been assured that tomorrow there will be no problems for those involved. I'm inclined to agree, though am still concerned over the planned second distribution next Tuesday, as people may be on the lookout for our distributors the second time around, and get angry if they are overlooked. We'll see how tomorrow goes, and review again next week.
P.S. On Sunday the preacher, a Kenyan, said that peace is not merely the absence of violence and that although Kenya likes to say rather proudly that they have had 40 years of peace, actually it was just covered up divisions not talked about. He challenged us not to pray for things to return to what they were, as it was not real and honest. Think of infection in a wound eventually coming to the surface and the wound being lanced, releasing all sorts of stuff. That has to happen for healing to take place. but it brings with it violence and suffering.... We are looking to politicians for answers - it's the wrong place.
Friday 18th January
We had a call this afternoon from Pastor Shadrack, who was sheltering with his family (Eunice his wife, Esther Samuel and Daniel) in his home whilst police and youths fought a running battle outside. Some are dead and I'm sure there are many injured, but it has now quietened down. By all accounts it has been a day of violence in Kibera, with reports of unrest in different parts throughout the day. Pray for these youths, almost certainly they are unemployed young men who missed out on free primary education and had limited opportunities. Despite the risks, I think the conflict possibly adds some excitement to their lives and there may even be an adrenalin 'enjoyment' for some at having something to fight for and a way to actually get noticed.
Mashimoni, where the project is, has remained peaceful, though I think probably most people are just staying in and keeping their heads down. The supermarket voucher distribution went off without a hitch, which is a good thing. So another 150 families will have been able to buy some much needed food, and bring some temporary relief from their hunger. I've decided that we need to have at least a couple of trouble free days before we even attempt to open the project again, so it will now be Wednesday at the earliest. I don't want to be putting the staff or the children at risk by opening too soon.
Elsewhere, Mombasa has seen fighting between protesters and police, as has Mathare, a slum on the other side of the city. I haven't heard reports from Western Kenya, but I should think it's a similar story there. The BBC have been reporting that this is the last day of rallies, and that Raila Odinga is calling on his supporters to boycott companies owned by leading politicians in Kibaki's party instead. However, the word from both Pastor and Kariuki is that more demonstrations have been called for Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday of next week. Whether this is just hearsay or fact remains to be seen.
For us, at least the kids have been back at school for the last two days, and our area continues to be safe. For us it is now gradually seeming like something we see on the TV rather than experience for ourselves. From a safety perspective that's obviously a good thing, and something that I'm sure pleases our families back in the UK!
Hopefully the weekend will be peaceful - we'll keep you up to date with any developments as and when we know them. Thanks again for your prayers.
Monday 21st. January
There were small pockets of quite nasty violence over the weekend, from what we can ascertain it seems not to have been connected with the election, more inter-tribal tensions and revenge attacks from Kikuyu's towards Luo's. Previously they have happened on rally days but now it seems that underlying tribal hatred is spilling over at other times. Churches are praying and leaders, at least in some places, are speaking up boldly about the spiritual undercurrents of all this and not hiding from political issues... that is something we can be thankful for. Personally, we had a nice weekend, and managed to relax more than we have done for a while. We are only a couple of kilometres down the road from where Pastor and Eunice stay on the edge of Kibera, here it is peaceful, there it flares up quickly. We can stand in the shops and buy non-essential goods, there many are struggling with hunger. We are more aware than ever of two different worlds colliding.
Having said the project wouldn't open this week, we were overruled by our project team who decided this morning that they would open (we are always happy to see them act in management capacity and take initiative)! All the staff are now safely back, and all came to the project for work this morning. Kibera had been peaceful all weekend, and there was no tension in the air, so they decided to see how many children would come. Only 10 today, but now they know we're open again it will probably be many more tomorrow. So tomorrow we may go in, depending on the report we get from Kariuki in the morning. We will of course take his advice and if we do go, we will be well accompanied on the route down to the project.
Raila has scheduled another rally for Thursday, and if that goes ahead then the project will close on that day, but Kofi Annan arrives tomorrow and will apparently be meeting with Kibaki and Raila tomorrow; if he can get anywhere with them then the rally may be called off. We imagine it is part of Raila's bargaining position.
The children are more settled back at school and today Hannah actually had some classmates! In Nyanza (near Lake Victoria) schools have all but closed up shop and education come to a stand still. There are so many disappointed and disempowered children. Pray that they can see hope and the hand of God in their lives in some small ways each day amidst destruction and disillusionment.
The government continues to say that the situation is returning back to normal. They took out a full page ad in the paper again today - this time condemning the suggested boycott of big Kikuyu politically linked companies that Raila mentioned - saying that it showed he was only intent on destroying the nation and particularly the poor amongst other things. They are also angry because UK has (finally) come out and said it doesn't recognise the election as valid. They have established a team to spearhead the peace imitative... headed by Kalonzo Musyoka - the now VP who was 3rd. place for President and originally formed ODM alongside Raila. You can imagine how well that has gone down. But in case I'm sounding biased, there is no-one with clean hands. There seems such huge animosity in both directions. Raila and Kibaki allegedly didn't even make eye contact when parliament opened last week. ONLY our God can change stuff like this. Keep praying.
Tuesday 22nd January
Thanks for your prayers for us today. After checking with Kariuki, we were very pleased to be able to get back into Kibera, and to even have a chance to walk around and see some of the places where buildings have been demolished. Although there are areas of Kibera where groups of buildings have been set on fire and destroyed, in Mashimoni and the surrounding area the destruction of property hasn't been too bad. It was odd to walk around and pass empty spaces where buildings used to be, but it wasn't as widespread as it could have been. The rebuilding process has already begun, with many small shops standing open for business again, having been rebuilt and restocked, though many still shut up. There were many people standing around idly, obviously hungry but with no means of getting food, and our team of guards fielded comments and questions from many of them. Nobody was in any way threatening, just desperate, and seeing us as a possible help to them.
The supermarket voucher distribution happened again today, and went off without any hitches. Peter and Susan, the distributors, are both happy to continue and haven't felt in any way threatened or pressurised to give vouchers to those they hadn't identified, so we are planning to do it again on Friday. That is assuming Kibera is peaceful. On Wednesday there is a memorial service for all the ODM supporters who have died since the election - the government is permitting this which is the first show of any sort of concession. Another such service was held in Kisumu last weekend but we haven't heard any reports on that. On Thursday there are calls for more demonstrations, and Friday people are being asked to group together to pray. What these next few days will bring in terms of more unrest nobody knows. We will close the Kibera project for Thursday and Friday just in case, and reopen on Monday if all is calm again by then. The staff are all sitting around at the project - as yet there is no food for Grace to cook or children for Magdalene and Florence to teach etc... they will be glad to be able to work again. We assured them today that we are communicating with many of you regularly and that you are praying, for them, for Kibera, for Kenya.
All the election campaign posters are still up large-as-life around the city, with Kibaki's slogan "Kazi iendelee" (the work continues) and Raila's "Tusonga pamoja" (together we'll move forward) now somewhat sad and ironic. I read an article yesterday that talked of the 'campaign posters that are not only an eyesore but a poignant reminder of the numerous ambitions that have condemned us to our raging disagreements'. 'With the wounds of the disputed election still festering and, in some cases, having turned gangrenous, such images are doing little to salve a bleeding nation.' I imagine that if the posters start coming down it could possibly be seen as an acceptance of the election result. Interestingly, Raila had a very effective bright orange campaign ad that played on the letters of ODM, his party. They ran in series of three on consecutive lampposts and said "O - One/ D-Determined and dedicated / M-Man. It would appear that is still true - but whether it's determined political ambition or dedicated to dialogue for peace, or both..??
Pray for the talks with Kofi Annan right now but also for the church to speak with boldness. There is starting to be some admittance that this has not come out of nowhere, that what happened in the elections has 'uncovered entrenched hurt'. Honest acknowledgement of this and of each person's part in raising children with 'tribal tags' against the oneness of us all in Christ, is surely a step forward. However, some have lost respect for the church where Bishops (the ones with status) have sided politically and therefore tribally. More prayer needed. Be encouraged, you are a vital part. Keep it coming!
At least eight of the large coast hotels have closed down. Ordinarily, this is the high season in Kenya but occupancy is in single digits. 20,000 Kenyan staff have been laid off. Pray for them and their families. Two TP supporters arrived here today, a trip planned a while ago, it was great they were able to be with us before a safari. They said there were 27 seats for each person in BA economy. Kenya's lifeline is it's tourism, especially from UK.Please pray for the people affected - mostly the poor.
Thursday 24th January
As some of you may already know, today's demonstrations were called off by Raila Odinga at the request of Kofi Annan, whom he met with yesterday. Kofi Annan has today met with Mwai Kibaki, and apparently tonight there will be a meeting between all of them - if this happens it will be the first time Odinga and Kibaki have spoken to each other since the election. This could be a very significant step, and definitely suggests that progress is being made -we need to pray for them as they meet. Also, yesterday Kibaki met with Yoweri Museveni, the Ugandan President, and the feedback from the Ugandan side on that meeting is positive, and would suggest that maybe Kibaki is in the mood for dialogue now. There still seems to be a great chasm between the two parties, but hopefully Annan and his team's diplomatic efforts can help to bridge that.
There continue to be sporadic outbreaks of violence in different parts of the city and country. Last night in Nakuru (160km Northwest of Nairobi) there were some attacks resulting in 8 deaths, and another Nairobi slum, Kariobangi, saw a lot of violence. There was a memorial service of sorts yesterday in Nairobi that the police did allow to go ahead, but it ended with the police firing more tear gas into the crowd, who then went on the rampage and burnt down a telecommunications building! As with any other day, it's hard to know exactly what happened, what the spark was that set off the crowd, and whose fault it was. And in some ways attributing blame wouldn't actually help to resolve the crisis. At our housegroup last night we were talking about the passage from Micah ch 6 where God tells us to 'do justice', and we were exploring ways how we as individuals and as a church can actually live up to that. Our church is a good mix of internationals and Kenyans, so tribalism doesn't really surface there - nevertheless, it goes so deep within Kenyans that it will be there, and the challenge may be to get different tribes working together to 'do justice' where we can.
I was up at the farm yesterday, and everything there is very encouraging. The mums are continuing to work well, and their cultivation skills are improving. Mama Brian (Rachel), who had an appendix operation last November, is taking a long time to recover, and we would appreciate your prayers for her. All the time she is not well enough to work she is risking begrudgement from the other mums as she's eating the same amount of food but not able to do her share of the work in the community. Her eldest daughter has come up from Nairobi to assist her, and that is helping as she is able to work on the farm - in fact it's through this that we've come to realise that Mama Brian is really Granny Brian, and that the daughter who's come up to help is the real Mama Brian - it's funny how these things come to light!
The children are slowly coming back to the project, although at the moment it's really just those we're supporting to go to school who are around. The others are either still up-country, or their parents are too nervous to send them, fearing trouble or abduction whilst they're walking through Kibera. If the mediation efforts work, no doubt everything will soon be back to normal, but all the time there is tension I would expect the parents to keep their children where they think they are safest.
This weekend we are going to Naivasha for one night, staying in a self-catering cottage on the shore of the lake. It will be a nice change to think that the only danger we will be in will be from the hippos that come out to eat the grass in the evening! It will be nice to get out of Nairobi - even just for one night.
Friday 25th January
If you have been looking at the BBC website, you will see that Nakuru, a town approximately 150km from Nairobi, has seen a lot of violence today. The main roads into and out of the town have been blocked by youths wielding machetes and clubs, and threatening motorists trying to pass. Some people have died, though it's too early to know how many at this stage. It would appear that the Kikuyus are now on a mission for revenge, and attacking anyone of a tribe they see as being responsible for killing their own. It now doesn't seem to have even the suggestion that it's politically motivated, instead it's purely ethnic.
Nakuru is only about 50km further along the main road from Naivasha, where we are due to go tomorrow for the weekend. I think we shall probably change our plans, and either stay in Nairobi or find somewhere else to go that isn't heading straight towards the violence. At least we have no responsibilities at church this weekend, so we are free to even stay at home and pretend we are away! Oops, I've let the cat out of the bag now - missionaries aren't super-holy after all!
We're not sure what's happening with the negotiations between Raila & Kibaki, as although last night's meeting seemed to be positive, apparently there are no plans for Kofi Annan to host any more face to face meetings between the two. Despite the picture of Raila and Kibaki shaking hands, there was yet another full page government press release today basically saying the electoral commission were morally competent and urging ODM to "accept and respect the integrity of the election results" ..... I guess we'll just have to keep our eye on the news and see what happens. Kibera has been peaceful today apart from one isolated incident, indeed I think most of Nairobi has, but the revenge attacks in Nakuru are very worrying, and if they continue then I fear Nairobi may see similar acts of violence again. The word Mungiki is coming up now, they are an outlawed political Kikuyu-Mafia sect that have links to very high places.
So, still troubling times, and still no indication of when the violence may end. But, as per previous emails, maybe the ethnic stuff has to come up to the surface before true peace can be found.
Pray for: Women. Reported rape cases are double in Nairobi so many will go unreported. Seeking treatment whilst hungry and caring for kids is not top priority. "It's not so much that women are deliberately targeted but their vulnerability makes them easy targets for anger, frustration".... for more see BBC/News/Africa/Kenya/section.
Long term constitutional changes, as part of true justice in the future. In the current constitution the Presidency appoints both the electoral commission officers and the judiciary who hear any electoral petition.
Monday morning 28th. January
Well, we are thanking God that we did not travel to Naivasha, that was His providence. You may have seen by now that the violence in Nakuru has spread south to Naivasha, there are armed youths manning road blocks and people hiding out on the horticultural / cut flower farms which are right along the Lake road we were intending to go to. Instead we went in another direction to a Baptist Conference Centre compound, it is quiet and beautifully landscaped and we were able to walk with the kids in a small forest, an activity not easy to do here in Kenya.
I have been feeling so terribly sad today. As Jon said, even if all the politicians were hugging and making up, you wonder whether this would now stop. The type of killing - being hacked to death with the poor man's weapon, a machete, is so graphically horrible. And the fear on the faces of the poor people fleeing on foot carrying what little they can manage, is awful. Without doubt some of the perpetrators, especially Mungiki who we mentioned in our last e-mail, have been recruited into these areas for reprisal killings, and there has been mention of trucks of young men being moved around... well I can guarantee they cannot afford to pay for the truck hire themselves... there are links further up the chain. I have been yelling at God (best way to describe my prayers today) to hold the wicked to account and to embolden his church to stand up and show oneness in Him amidst great risk.
We will see whether it comes any further south to Nairobi. We are encouraged that despite seeing this on the media here, people in Kibera and Mathare do not seem to be 'jumping on the bandwagon' and copying.
I can't help thinking that so much of this must have been under the surface for years, in the central/rift valley region a lot of old scores are around land issues. It seems the election lit the match but the tinder was all there stacked up.
We are fine. But need to know you are praying with us.
Jo and Jon x
PS. This quote from Oswald Chambers helped me the other day. It applies to the situation here, but is also applicable for all of us in the West who take our tomorrows completely for granted and make our own plans accordingly.
"We plan and figure and predict that this or that will happen, but we forget to make "elbow room" for God to come in as He chooses. Do not look for God to come in a particular way, but do look for Him. Live in a constant state of expectancy and leave room for God to come in as He decides."
Monday evening January 28th
First of all, thanks to all those who responded to our last email by assuring us that you were still praying for Kenya, and that you were glad of the emails keeping you up to date.
I spent the morning in Kibera where it is peaceful at the moment. In a meeting with Kariuki, Pastor Shadrack and Eunice, we were able to plan what TP would be doing this week. We are continuing the supermarket voucher distribution, as that is still very much needed and those involved aren't being threatened at all. So another one tomorrow, then Friday. We discussed helping some people with rebuilding costs, but it was felt that nobody wants to rebuild yet, as they are scared the trouble will resurface and their newly built structures could be demolished, so we will revisit that one when the situation is more stable. More children are coming to the project this week, and we have been able to open our School Preparation and School Transition classes. Having said that, we are still only seeing a very small proportion of the children who would normally be in the project, and it is thought that the rest are still up-country in their rural homes.
Unfortunately, if the present level of violence is anything to go by, they won't be coming back anytime soon. Indeed, we had reports that some were travelling on Friday from Western Kenya, and got as far as Nakuru where they turned back due to the fighting. Please pray for wisdom for their families to know when they should travel, and that God would protect them at that time.
Today has seen the violence erupting in towns in Western Kenya again - in particular Eldoret, Kisumu and Kakamega, where Luos are reportedly taking revenge on Kikuyus for all the killing in Nakuru and Naivasha over the weekend. One wonders when it will stop, it seems like a snowball rolling down a mountain now, gaining momentum every day. Today has also seen continued trouble in Nakuru and Naivasha, with heavily armed gangs attacking each other - apparently the police are just about in control of the situation, but it is another day of mourning for many.
So far, none of the trouble spots in Nairobi have flared up again, although the longer the retributional type of attacks continue the more likely it becomes that Nairobi will erupt again. I wish I was being melodramatic but sadly it is true. It's only 1 month ago that the elections were held and there was a definite sense of hopeful expectation in the air.
Away from the violence, unfortunately a couple of the mamas up at the farm are causing problems, and there are accusations of witchcraft against them. This is something that is very real here, and many people consult witchdoctors over many things. Because of the trouble in Naivasha we are unable to get up there to try to mediate, though Pastor Shadrack will go as soon as it is safe. We may well have to warn the two troublesome mamas that they are risking expulsion from the community if they continue as they are. Oh how the devil loves to meddle in things that are good!
We continue to be safe, though if the sort of attacks that many of you have been seeing on your TVs spread to Nairobi's streets, it may become a different story. Let's hope and pray that doesn't happen.
Tuesday 29th January
– early Late last night an opposition MP, Mugabe Were, was murdered in Nairobi. Whether or not this was politically motivated is uncertain, but people are not waiting to find out, and violence has once again erupted. In Western Kenya people have once again taken to the streets in protest, and there are reports of trouble in many towns there. In Kibera the trouble started at about 4am - I'm glad I chose yesterday to go in and not today!
We heard from Kariuki first thing that the violence started in Kibera at 4.am.. It has continued since then and is still bad. Police and army are in there running around, there's the sound of gunshots and a lot of trouble along the entire length of the railway line which runs right though Kibera, and forms a natural divide between 'villages' (areas) down there, some of which have stronger populations of one tribe or another. Mashimoni borders the railway and is mostly Luo... the next village Laini Saba is a Kikuyu stronghold and the only area up till now where there has remained a Kikuyu presence, I think simply because of 'safety in numbers', although when we walked through last week there had been a lot of burning around there. Most of our staff sent word to Kariuki that they were keeping their heads down, Grace and Mama Milli who are both so dedicated, turned up and made mandazi (doughnut type bread) and tea for the few children who came, before all being given escorts and sent home. Everyone has stayed inside all day - the meaning of that is a bit different when your inside is a 10'x10' room made of mud or iron sheeting with not much for a front door and the trouble right outside it.
The Kids' school phoned around 10 to say come and pick them up, because there was trouble on two of the parallel main routes into town from here, the school is at the top of one and not far from the other. The kids weren't affected, just thought it was funny to be at school for such a short time, and Jon managed to collect them without incident. So we too have stayed in the rest of the day. Jon made a foray to the bank this afternoon and found that a lot of it had calmed down. On the way back he passed a man sitting by the side of the road with a wound to the back of his head and dried blood on his shirt from earlier in the day. Many people were walking past but it seemed like such a good Samaritan re-play that he just felt he couldn't drive past and ignore it. He phoned me to discuss options, as under these circumstances things can attract crowds or turn in an unexpected direction very quickly, but we felt it right to try to help. A police officer was a bit further up the road so Jon got assistance from him; he assured Jon that the best thing to do was to get the man to the local police station where they could assist him and also had vehicles available to transport him to a clinic. At the time Jon thought the man was drunk as he was totally incoherent, but tonight on reflection he said he couldn't smell alcohol and perhaps the incoherence was more to do with the head wound. We don't even know the man's name, but God does. Please pray for him... and for God to intervene in what happens next in his life.
Kariuki informed us that Mugabe Were, the MP who was murdered last night, was a Luhya - that's another big tribe in the west of Kenya, from Kakamega to the border of Uganda, and adjacent to the Luo's near Lake Victoria and Kisumu. So effectively another people group has been involved in all this. We watched the army throw tear-gas into a house compound where people were mourning and not causing unrest. One of the quotes from a mourner was "first they kill the ordinary people, then they kill our leaders... let everyone out there know we are not happy. We are very bitter and we will not be quiet about this". Kibaki is decrying the murder as heinous and condemning whoever did it and the police commissioner is saying there's no proof it's politically linked, but it seems like an awfully big co-incidence. They also ran some coverage about who Mugabe Were was - 39, father of five, and had actually been making quite a difference in his constituency for some time, including work with orphans and a football training institute. People in his Nairobi constituency seem to be genuinely mourning someone who had brought them hope. He was elected MP for the first time in the elections and sworn in two weeks ago. Not one of the 'old brass' who seem so corrupt and immovable no matter what party they are siding with at the present.
Hardly any of the Kibera stuff has been reported on the news here - not sure if that's the live news black-out or what. We can watch local news in English at 9pm our time, 6pm your time so you'll be finding out at the same time as us. Annan has presented his 'roadmap' which both parties were due to be signing at 4pm.... except the talks started 90 minutes late due to an argument about seating arrangements.... does that give you any indication of how difficult it is to believe there is real commitment to dialogue that can make a difference to the common man, not just stuff to look good for the donor countries like the EU? Kofi Annan does seem to be trying hard and speaking out about how awful it is, we're trying to have some faith in this but... ...
Kibaki's side especially seem to be saying the right things in front of the right people, but behind the words their attitude seems to be "We're in power, go away". I guess I shouldn't judge, perhaps he really is committed but is surrounded by others with vice-like control who don't want to let go. Either way he needs our prayers. I would also encourage you to look at the BBC site - if you look on the international version, to the right of the main story on the homepage about Annan, there is a small heading "Kenyans being made to fight". It comes from an anonymous source in Naivasha describing how Mungiki (the criminal outlawed Kikuyu mafia sect) are going from house to house forcing Kikuyus to come out and kill anyone not a Kikuyu, & how these are people not known in the town. In a way this encourages me that it's not every Kikuyu against every Luo, they don't all want to kill and maim others in the community they've lived in, it's enforced trouble against their will. Please pray into this situation tonight and pray for so many in fear and horror, on one side or another simply by accident of birth (if you know what I mean). "The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble." Ps. 9:9
Today I have compiled a document with quotes of support from your various e-mails over the past couple of weeks to show the team in Kibera just how much they are being remembered and prayed for. We are so thankful for such a strong supporter base who are lifting Kenyan people in prayer in many different ways and places.
Keep going. Jo and Jon x
Thursday 31st January
Yesterday saw the reprisal attacks by the Kikuyus on the Luos and Luhyas coming closer to Nairobi, reaching small towns about 20 minutes drive away. Kibera saw many skirmishes between the tribes, with the police shooting some people. Most people, including TP staff, stayed in behind closed doors for the day. Pastor had attempted to reach the project in the morning, but ended up having to turn back and run home to avoid getting caught. Apparently Mathare, on the east side of Nairobi, saw fighting throughout the day too.
Today Kibera is tense but peaceful, though most people are staying in and trying to keep clear of danger. I don't know whether the reprisal attacks are continuing to come closer to Nairobi - if so they should reach the outskirts of the city today - but maybe not. The Chief of Police yesterday said that they were now going to come down very hard on troublemakers and looters, and that they would adopt a 'shoot to kill' policy. From what you may have seen on the news you could be forgiven for thinking they already had that policy, but apparently not. At lunchtime the breaking news was that another ODM MP has been shot and killed. The official version of events is that he was involved in a 'love triangle' - the MP was allegedly driving around with a policeman's girlfriend, and that after a car chase round Eldoret the policeman caught up with them and shot them both, wounding her and killing him. However, Raila Odinga has called it an assassination, and we heard he has pulled out of the peace talks. The shooting has sparked off more violence in Eldoret town, and may well have the same effect here, though this hasn't happened yet.
That's a summary of events for yesterday and today. As for tomorrow, who knows?
We thought we might take a break from factual reporting and let you know how it feels to be living here at the moment. As we have said repeatedly, we are living in a very safe area, so we are not feeling like we are at risk when we're in the house. We keep in close touch with Kariuki and Pastor and call them through the day to see how things are for them in Kibera. On days when we know there is a lot of trouble, we stay indoors and keep an eye on the TV, although the news is sporadic throughout the day. The pictures we see evoke various emotions from fear to sorrow to incredulity, but we watch to be informed. On quieter days we will be driving around as usual, trying to get on with 'normal life' but always slightly on edge, alert to potential risks, and careful what routes we take as there are certain known hotspots. Whenever we receive a text message on our phone, or a call comes in, our first thought is "what's happened now?". Usually it is just an innocent call or message, but quite often it is a warning of an area to avoid, or news of some fresh violence somewhere. Having got the kids in bed around 7 we then usually spend some time checking news websites before writing the update for you all. Then at 9pm we watch the local news in English on TV - most of the earlier broadcasts are in Kiswahili so less easy to understand clearly.
Some days we just want to retreat from it all and not watch the TV, not write this update, not hear about it at church, not get instructions from the school, and just try to have a normal day. But we also want you to be informed, and we need you praying for us and Kenya, so if there is stuff to report to you we try to do it. Today we are writing this in the afternoon so it's done, and then we'll only send another one if the 9pm news reports something new that we want you to pray about. Sometimes if it has been calm for a few days we deliberately don't watch the news, just to relax and have a break from it all. The stress affects us in different ways: Jon sleeps fitfully, and often has long periods of the night awake; Jo experiences neck tension and is struggling with physical energy levels. We both find it harder to concentrate on ordinary tasks. The kids are coping far better than us!
Another aspect is that in whatever company you find yourself, it's always easy to strike up a conversation. Everybody has an opinion, and many people just want to talk. Whenever we talk with our Western friends, one of the earliest topics in the conversation will be each other's organisation's current view on evacuation and what security threats they have heard about. Some people are living with bags packed, ready to evacuate at a moment's notice. Others, like us, are hoping it won't come to that. But everyone has a plan, however vague. Most of our friends have organisations they are working for that take the evacuation decision for them, and they won't have a say. For us it's different, and actually it feels good not to have to get out because someone (often overseas) has deemed that you must - this has been hard for some of our friends - but we do try to keep up with what the current thinking is so we've got a 'pulse' on the situation. On one level you consider it, make vague contingency plans, and then put it to the back of your mind. On another level many of us have Kenyan friends and colleagues and really identify with the country, and getting out means leaving them here. We need to trust them to God, but part of us really wants to be His hands and feet here and now.
The not knowing what's coming is possibly one of the toughest things to live with. Nobody has any idea whether this will all be sorted out in a couple of weeks, or whether it will take a couple of years, or more. Is it the beginnings of a civil war or genocide? Or will everything calm down if the politicians can work out their differences?
This has been harder to write than we thought without it sounding a bit self-focused. These are just our ex-pat experiences and not necessarily everyone else's. We are not trying to make it sound like we're heroes or anything, just telling it as it is in the hope that it puts you in the picture a bit more. What Kenyans, who can be labelled by tribe, are facing every day is so much worse, and especially so for the poor. Thanks for praying.
Saturday 2nd February
I went to the school this morning and played the piano for their little assembly. They always finish with the song "If I had a hammer..." you probably recollect it - it talks about hammering for justice, freedom and love between brothers and sisters all over this land. It's a great tune and fun to play but this morning it just about finished me off. The contrast was just too great between that and the atrocities and hatred and injustice we hear about every day. As I left, I chatted to one of Hannah's teachers. Her driver was taken down an alley and asked his tribe. It was deemed to be the wrong one so they broke an empty bottle and forcibly circumcised him with the cut glass. Everyone is feeling it. We all know people affected and have stories like this.
Yesterday we received a report from the programme director for MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) here in Kenya. It made very grim reading. They have been flying non-stop with small planes to rescue people from being beaten killed or even burned alive inside their houses. The numbers quoted for those displaced and dead have got to be hugely inaccurate. Pray for those flying and witnessing these awful things - it gives you nightmares just hearing the stories let alone seeing them... and the pilots and others involved are becoming very very tired from the stress. Most of us are actually. However, there was a wonderful example of the Lord's hand at work which I include at the end to lift your spirits. After all, we are told to present our petitions with thanksgiving (Phil 4:6). Our family certainly have so much to be thankful for.
Kibera is quieter today - the first time this week really - although Kariuki says the tension is still tangible. It remains a long way from being somewhere we or any others can walk into. However, against the odds, Peter and Susan have managed to distribute the food vouchers twice this week. For those receiving the vouchers, even getting out of Kibera to the nearby supermarket to cash them in can be difficult though. Many may be risking a beating or are turned back by gangs on the railway line, or might get out but then have to wait hours until it's safe to go back in. The project remains closed which is frustrating, although even if it were open so few of those involved are around now. In faith I look forward to the day when they can all return, and we can give thanks for His safekeeping of them in all their various places right now. I don't like to think what they might be seeing or witnessing at this young age -.protect their hearts and minds Lord - but I also know that sometimes the horror of the previous generation can cause rebirth and determination to be different... If you have a 'hand' with a picture of a TP child on from when we were back last year, please remember to keep praying for them. We can't give you any specific info because we don't know it right now, but God does.
Jon and I are starting to wonder what we can do here at the moment really, although of course it's impossible to know how long things will be like this. We are due to be in UK Easter /April for our annual trip so we are wondering about bringing it forward - or at least for me and the kids. That does have a number of implications though, on all sorts of levels, so is not necessarily an obvious decision. Not only are there some logistical issues in the UK, but leaving people here is very hard. Many of the Kenyans that we (the ex-pat community) know are those that work for us, live in poorer areas, may have lost jobs because of tribe, and are frequently at risk of literally needing to get up and flee. A number of our friends now have their house-helper and family living in part of their house, or in and out depending on how bad things are. We (the ex-pat community) are able to offer refuge and help at least in the short-term in times like this, as well as employment. It doesn't feel good on that level to just 'up and leave'. (I know all this 'staff' stuff is alien to UK but so many are jobless that the culture is very different here. Many have a house-help/ driver/gardener/guard or whatever they feel able to do in order to provide work and dignity).
Pray with us as we deal with many different thoughts and feelings, spiritual, emotional, physical, and try to make decisions not really knowing what the future holds. But then none of us do really, we just like to think we do! Be encouraged by the story below. Jo and Jon xx
In the evening my phone was ringing. When I answered I heard the nervous voice
of a woman asking for help. "I am not safe here and I am told to leave, with
my three year old girl - please, please help!". My question "where are you
now?" did not get a clear answer - I had no idea where she was and she did
not seem to be able to explain more. Suddenly I realised that my daughter's
music teacher was in the next room, a Kenyan from that region. I rushed into
the music lesson and asked: "do you know this village?" There was a moment
of hesitation - "no, I don't think so" -, but he then remembered a friend
who had once mentioned that village. A quick call on another telephone while
I was calming the woman gave us the new information we needed. On our large
wall map we quickly found the village, close to the Ugandan border and were
then able to identify the nearest airstrip. My heart leapt: we had not flown
to that destination for years, but just the next day we happened to be evacuating
some people from there and there would be space on the flight! This was more
than coincidence! While I quickly passed on the details to the frightened
woman my heart was filled with a silent prayer: 'Thank you Lord, You do care
for your people and it is an adventure to serve You!'
Monday 4th. February
Just to say we've managed to relax a bit this weekend and also share with others who've been here over during these troubled few weeks. The sermon this morning was really helpful too. So there have been a few encouragements over the weekend. It was good to go to church and know that many of you would also be praying in your churches a few hours later. We appreciate it so much.
Nairobi has remained calm for the past few days now, and the project was able to open today. A few children came to collect breakfast on their way to school, and there were 15 children at the project for the day, so numbers are still very low. If calm continues then more and more should start to come back from their up-country homes.
But maybe not if they're coming from western Kenya, as unrest has continued there through the weekend. We haven't been able to pick up that much information, and most of what we know comes from the BBC, but apparently Saturday and Sunday saw running battles in different towns in western Kenya, and many people have lost their lives. Whilst speaking to Kariuki over the weekend I mistakenly said that I was glad to hear that Kibera was peaceful; he corrected me by informing me that although it was calm, it was very tense, and people were looking at others with suspicion, so peaceful is one thing it isn't.
Although we are concerned that the violence is continuing, we are grateful that it isn't in Nairobi at the moment, though I heard someone say today that Wednesday of this week is D-Day for the politicians, and if things don't go well then there could be more trouble. I'm not sure what was being referred to, and it could just be another rumour, who knows. But from what we hear the talks are continuing, although the person Kofi Annan had hoped would come in and chair them has been rejected by the Kenyan government because he apparently has business links with Raila Odinga. We haven't heard of who will replace him in that role.
We are coping a lot better having had a few days of calm here, and we were able to relax over the weekend. Hannah and Isaac have settled back into their school routines, and our househelp has returned this week after having had a baby, which is a big help to Jo.
Friday 8th February 2008
This evening the news is reporting that there has been significant progress made at the mediation talks. Up until now there has been a stalemate as the two sides were attempting to come to an agreement on how to solve the political side of the problems here, but apparently an "agreement in principle" has been reached, with the details to be worked out next week. This is good news!
This week has seen calm return to the majority of Kenya, with only very isolated reports of trouble. However, many thousands of internally displaced people (IDP's) are living in very basic camps, afraid to return to their homes which are probably not there any more, and probably wondering how they will rebuild their broken lives. The humanitarian crisis is starting to bite now, and although there is much being done by the large agencies in the different camps, there are many people that are slipping through the net. Some have lost their homes, but are staying with friends or relatives, in homes that were already cramped with just one family. Others up country are hiding out in woods and fields, with no easy access to the camps. Those who still have some sort of home are often trying to defend themselves by the husband/father 'sleeping' outside at night to guard it. You can imagine the effect that living of with these situations long term - or even for the last seven weeks.
Kibera has been calm all week, but people are still tense, and view each other with untrusting eyes. We had a management meeting yesterday at which a couple of ideas came out of how Turning Point can be involved in helping with reconciliation and rebuilding of people's lives. Even the fact that Kariuki, Pastor and Eunice could walk up through Kibera safely and we could pick them up safely and meet with them - none of it is to be taken for granted. Jo will fill you in on some of the encouragements in the next e-mail, but she has just told me to let you know that she thumped out "If I had a hammer" at school this morning with great determination to be used by God here... a bit different to last week!
Personally, the week has been a lot more 'normal' - no interruptions to the kids' schooling and househelp back, and we've been able to concentrate more on our usual jobs. Probably the most normal week since end of Dec. We are both still not sleeping well and struggling with that, so would appreciate your prayers. I imagine that as stress takes time to accumulate and cause problems, it also takes time to diminish once the stresses start to be removed.
Thank you so much for standing with us and Kenya over the last few weeks - there is now light at the end of the tunnel, but we're not out of the woods yet! Monday 18th we have a prayer day scheduled where we can spend time as a team seeking God's will for TP's response. Perhaps you could commit some time on that day to praying together with us?
Thursday 14th. February
The mediation talks between the ODM and PNU parties are continuing, with Kofi Annan still in the chair. He briefed Parliament on the progress earlier this week, although his speech caused some anger from PNU as he seemed to be saying both parties had agreed there would be a coalition government formed, leading to fresh elections in a couple of years. The leader of the PNU negotiating team has strongly denied this, so it's hard to know what actually is going on! The talks have now moved to a secret location away from Nairobi so as to be away from the glare of the media, and enable the sides to get down to the serious bargaining. Kofi Annan had been hoping to have something concrete to announce at the end of the week, so we shall see.
There has continued to be calm in Kenya since our last update, though still not peace. I was in Kibera yesterday, and walking around it was clear to see groups of young men still hanging around, just suggesting that trouble was still not far away. Many businesses still haven't reopened - either looted or their owners haven't yet returned from up-country. As I walked down to the project I noticed that there are fewer people around outside their houses, doing their washing, selling chips, charcoal or vegetables, and hardly any small kids playing. Some of this is down to the fact that people have been displaced, or are yet to return to Kibera, but also I think there is still a lot of fear and distrust, and people are staying indoors where they feel safer.
The project numbers are picking up, and we've taken on some more at the younger end. This is something that happens every year as the children naturally progress upwards through the project. We are still not able to safely transport food in large quantities down to the project, and are continuing to buy it on a day by day basis. However, one of the reasons for this is that we don't know from one day to the next how many children will be coming, and don't want to have too much food. Having reviewed the supermarket voucher distribution we have decided to continue it for the time being. It is possible that in early March we shall reduce the number of families we make it available to, but the consensus view was that there are still many people who are suffering because of the fighting, and many who are living with friends, relatives or neighbours having lost everything themselves.
All the mums and kids up at the farm are well. The issues we were concerned about proved to be small and easily solved. Pastor Shadrack is continuing to visit each week, and we are starting to pray for someone local who can visit the mums once per week and provide them with some discipleship. Our original idea of Pastor Shadrack providing this support hasn't worked as he can only really be there in the daytimes, and the mums need to be working on the farm then. So we need someone local who can come in during the early evening.
On Monday we have a prayer day as a management team, and we shall be asking God for direction in the coming months, particularly as to how we should respond to the opportunities we see for spreading the gospel as a method of reconciliation. We are particularly excited at the prospect of being able to facilitate unemployed young men in the area coming together and having something useful with which to occupy themselves, possibly even making the finance programme (interest-free loans) available to them. There have been some encouraging words and pictures from people praying in the UK which seem to centre around healing in many ways - including spiritual healing that only comes with the gospel. It feels exciting to be part of what God has already planned for these people in the middle of Kibera.
We are starting to plan the detailed schedule for our annual trip to the UK - only just over four weeks away! We fly in mid-March and are in the UK till the start of May, although the last couple of weeks we are taking as holiday and going up to a friend's house in the Lake District. We are still not sleeping very well, and consequently are struggling with tiredness, but are hoping that by the time we come to the UK we will have recovered sufficiently to cope with what is always a very busy time with a lot of travelling around.
We are looking forward to the opportunity to see many of you during our time in the UK. God bless,
Wednesday 20th February
Another calm week as the mediation talks continue, although there are concerns being expressed over whether or not a political solution can be found, or if the talks have reached a stalemate. However, as they're taking place behind closed doors it's hard to know for sure. Tension is still high in Kibera, and some people are moving to live in areas dominated by their own tribe where they feel safer.
We had to postpone the prayer day until next Monday, as Eunice had to take her daughter to the dentist urgently. But the project is continuing to slowly return to normal, and our supermarket voucher distribution is still going on twice per week. Even the Finance Programme is starting to see people making repayments once again, though some members are still up-country to date.
For us, we are still fighting tiredness as we are continuing to struggle to get a good night's sleep. It's the hottest time of year here, which doesn't help, but we're both sleeping very lightly, and wake easily. And sometimes find it hard to get back to sleep once we have woken up. We are thinking about coming back to the UK a little earlier than originally planned, to try to give us some recovery time before we start our deputation, though we're not sure what/when/if/how etc.
So, please keep praying - for Kenya, for the mediation talks, for Turning Point's work and its response to the crisis, and for us personally.
Thursday 21st. February
Just a brief update to say that late yesterday Raila Odinga announced that if a political solution could not be found within the next seven days he would again call for mass demonstrations. It is being strongly suggested here that the government is not interested in reaching a political settlement, and that they are refusing to give any ground in the talks. All speculation, but maybe it does have some foundation.
And another report has confirmed what we had been hearing, which is that armed militia groups are forming in readiness for more trouble.
Keep praying please!
Tuesday 26th February
As you may or may not have heard yet, the peace talks reached an impasse yesterday. PNU have reneged on the deal that was announced as being very close a couple of days ago, and basically have cold feet over power sharing. Talking to ordinary Kenyans today, there is a feeling of great disappointment, of anger over what seems like personal interests blatantly being put ahead of the nation, and of the need to get on our knees. Feels like a massive step backwards. ODM called for mass action last week if things didn't happen, but at that point it just looked like political leverage as they don't have much else to use. Now we are all suspecting otherwise, and Kariuki today said that although Kibera is calm, he thinks people will come out on Thursday. The ban on rallies was actually lifted a couple of weeks ago so whether that will change what happens and confrontation with police en route to Uhuru Park, or whether they will reinforce the ban, we will wait and see. Please check out the BBC website for today which has a couple of stories to fill you in. May even make BBC TV tonight somewhere down the list.
We are now booked to fly in to UK next Tuesday 4th March, realising how much we need a break before starting the tour round churches and places - always a blessing but requires a lot of energy. Praise God that someone offered us their holiday cottage so we will have a chance to recoup there as a family for a little while. However, it will be hard to leave if things are bad here, especially in Kibera - that might sound strange but our hearts are here and so are people we love. Fortunately God's hands are plenty big enough to hold them, so we can surrender them to Him and all pray from wherever we are around the globe. On Monday 3rd it will be five years since the day the project opened here in Kibera (03-03-03) and a big celebration is planned, Jon and I have been planning to be there all day before flying the next day. Something else for your prayers please.
Both of us are very busy finishing all the jobs that need to be done before we come, especially as the date is now earlier. I am putting the Easter Holiday club together for Pastor, Eunice and the team to deliver while we're back. It's based on the colours of salvation - or the wordless gospel as its sometimes called. Black for our sin, red for his blood, white as we're made clean, gold for the promise of eternal life, green for growth as we follow him. Please pray for this seed being sown in young lives who live in such desperation - and also such temptation all around - ways to 'escape' from poverty that God would not choose for them. I am also putting together a family service for Easter Sunday that will be delivered by someone else. Jon is busy putting final touches to the new DVD's which show the farm and also holiday camps, as well as revamping the general TP one a little bit. He also has many administrative ends to tie up - salaries and payslips for the next few months and things to be left or prepared ahead in a number of other areas. We have slept a little better the last few nights so thanks for your prayers on that - please don't stop!
Later on 26th.
Just a brief update to let you know that tomorrow's mass action, called by Raila Odinga's ODM party, has been postponed following a meeting between Kofi Annan and Raila. Instead, there is a meeting scheduled for tomorrow between Kofi Annan, Mwai Kibaki, Raila Odinga, and Jakaya Kikwete, the Current African Union president who has just flown in to see if he can help. So, yet another key day in the negotiations to try to find a power-sharing solution.
Wednesday 27th February
Jon is out and I am meant to be finishing off the holiday club, but I have just been seeing the speeches from Raila Odinga and President Kibaki on the TV and I have to write to you all. In case you are not up to date there has been a real breakthrough on the governance issue today and they have both signed an agreement. As I understand it, it now needs to go through parliament, and obviously names on paper are no guarantee in themselves. The speeches were very moving though, and I have been sitting weeping, praising God and knowing that ONLY He can bring changes like this is a man's heart. Prayers are being answered! Five weeks ago when the negotiation process started Kibaki and Raila stood together but obviously with huge tension, and Raila notably referred to Kibaki as 'Honourable Mwai Kibaki' rather than President. Today he not only referred to him as President, but at the end of his speech thanked "the man who was my competitor, but is now my countryman, President Mwai Kibaki." What a message of unity and commitment. Kibaki too - his speeches in English are always scripted but when he switches to Kiswahili he speaks freely and easily and he looked visibly lightened and genuinely pleased. They both talked of the many ordinary Kenyan citizens who had suffered and were still suffering and sad - which I think Kenyans need to hear, as the leaders have appeared not to care less for the last little while. They also both spoke against the negative ethnicity and talked of returning once more to be Kenyan brothers and sisters.
Please please can I stress - we need your prayers at this point more than ever. Don't stop now!
Don't know whether to laugh or cry. Better go and do some work instead. :O) Please celebrate with us and millions of Kenyans who have been, and are, longing for peace. God bless Kenya.
Tuesday 25th March 2008
We are so glad that the situation in Kenya has continued to improve. We are in regular contact with Kariuki & Pastor Shadrack, and they are reporting that all is well at the project. Kibera, and the rest of Kenya, remains calm, and the political signs are all good. Last week Parliament enacted two bills to legislate for the post of Prime Minister and the other recommendations that had come out of the mediation chaired by Kofi Annan, and everyone seems to be working for the common good now. President Kibaki and Raila Odinga (Prime Minister elect) are currently trying to agree the formation of the new cabinet, and that is proving to be a little tricky - I guess there are many people they need to try to please, and they need to have a cabinet of unity that crosses both party and tribal lines - not an easy task. Please pray for them.
Because of the trouble earlier in the year, schools opened late. To try to compensate for this, schools have delayed their Easter holiday, and now the last day of term is April 11th. After this, there will be a week's holiday club at the project based around the theme of 'the colours of salvation' - Black for sin, red for blood, white for being washed clean, gold for the promise of heaven, and green for growth & discipleship. Jo prepared all the teaching and craft for this before we left, and the Kenyan team are looking forward to the club. However, they are a little nervous about running one on their own so would appreciate your prayers.
Friday 18th. April
Just thought I'd send a brief update as it's hard now to get news about what's going on in Kenya. Last week there were some more demonstrations by Raila's supporters as the Government weren't sticking to agreements they'd made when during the mediation efforts with Kofi Annan. However, after three days of unrest, Raila appealed for calm, and on Sunday the new cabinet was announced. This seems to have placated Raila's side, and although a large cabinet, it would appear that it is a genuine attempt to distribute power evenly between the different ethnic sides. There has also been some trouble caused by the Mungiki sect (Kenyan equivalent of the mafia) though that seems to have ceased now.
We have been in regular contact with our Kenyan team on the ground, and Kibera is calm. Some of the demonstrations last week were in the slum, but not too close to the project. This week the team there have been running a holiday club, and they all have the next two weeks off. They are in need of the break, and many may choose to travel up-country to their rural homes so they can relax properly. The project will then reopen on May 5th, when school's go back, and we fly in on May 7th.
We are looking forward to getting home, though it's been very nice to spend time with family, friends and supporters whilst we've been in the UK. But there's only so much living out of suitcases in other people's houses that we can take, and we're looking forward to getting back to our own home, and a bit of routine and normality. Before then we're got a holiday in the Lake District, and we're looking forward to some family time there.
Thanks for your continued partnership with us.
Thursday 14th. August
I thought it would be good to let you know about this year's camps.
The teaching this year has been based around Elijah, and the kids have had
a chance to understand some of the issues he faced, and how they can relate
them to issues they may face in Kibera. They have also had loads of fun with
the dramas (killing prophets of Baal etc.), the different craft activities,
and all the sports and games. But the highlight, as usual, has to be the swimming
and fortunately this year the weather has been warm enough for the kids to
swim most days. Added to all that some good food, videos each night, a proper
bed to sleep in, and time to relax with their friends, and it all has made
for a great holiday for them.
The UK team have been great, and apart from some minor ailments have all stayed
healthy. They are now very tired, and are all looking forward to some much-needed
rest and pampering from their families when they get home.
They're not the only ones who are tired! Jo and I are feeling it, this year
more than ever (we're not getting any younger), and are looking forward to
a two-week break starting this Sunday.
Please continue to hold us in prayer and thank God for this year's camps.
Wednesday 10th. September
News from the farm is positive, one year on. Having learnt the skills to work the land, the mamas are now each working their own areas and providing for their families from it. They are all enjoying this stage and some of them are doing really well. One Mama, who has a deformity in her feet, felt she might not be able to manage as much as the others. For a while she struggled and wasn't very happy, but now is working harder than anyone and as a result of selling her recent produce was able to travel to Western Kenya to see her relatives - that's about a day's travel and a reasonable sum of money for the fare there and back. This month we will start building homes for them, before the rainy season comes, which will then free up the existing rooms for the next group of mamas to come from Kibera sometime next year. The homes will be theirs from now on and gradually they will all lease land in the nearby area freeing up the TP land again.
Thursday 23rd. October
I was sat in one of my favourite spots this morning – atop the climbing
frame in the Turning Point Mashimoni compound. All the kids were inside having
breakfast, and I enjoyed a few minutes by myself reflecting on the project,
and where Turning Point is heading. I returned to work this week to find that
there were no issues that needed discussing with me – a couple of years
ago there would have been a long list, and every week there were issues that
the staff weren't happy to deal with themselves, but instead wanted my input
on. So to come back after a week away to find there was nothing is quite telling.
It demonstrates to me that the project is now running almost on automatic
– all the staff know their responsibilities and the expectations on them,
and they are confident enough to be able to deal with any issues that arise
themselves. I also reflected on the project and how complete it now seems
to be. There are entry points to the project for children of a variety of
ages and circumstances, and for each there is a recognised progression through
the project, up to the time they leave school and are trained in a skill,
either by ourselves or a suitable training establishment. And from there they
can be assisted in starting a business or getting a job, at which point they
exit the top end of the project, and our only subsequent involvement with
them may be through the finance programme. There may be small changes or additions
as opportunities come our way, but it has a feel of completeness about it.
A good time, then, to be starting another project! Next week we shall be meeting
with the leadership and owners of the small plot and building in Kianda we
are purchasing to be the site of the second TP project in Kibera. Assuming
that meeting goes well, we shall complete the purchase the week after, and
Pastor Shadrack will start his church plant there a couple of weeks later.
This should mean that by January or February we are ready to start the second
project. It will be run by a small team of people local to that part of Kibera,
headed up by Mary (see last prayer bulletin), and overseen by Kariuki, Pastor
Shadrack, and Eunice.
We have a meeting of the Management Team on Monday, and Peter (Farm Manager)
will be coming as well. The homes we are building for the mums will be completed
next week, so they will be moving in to them over the coming weeks. Each home
consists of two rooms, and a separate store / kitchen. There are communal
toilets and bathrooms, and rainwater will be harvested from the roofs. We
are meeting because the mums have expressed concerns over our plans to encourage
them towards independence. Basically, they don't believe they ever will be
independent, so the thought that TP might cut off support for them is quite
scary. On the other hand, we (including Peter) are convinced they can achieve
independence. So our job is to try to come up with a series of steps to take
the mums through over the next couple of years that will gradually free them
from the support TP is providing. When I think about this I don't know the
answer, so I'm hoping and praying that getting everyone together on Monday
specifically to address this will result in us getting a plan that will be
effective. It may well be that the mums only get to ever hear the next step,
so they don't see the final outcome immediately – a bit like the way God
is with us sometimes – which will make it less scary for them.
The Landrover continues to be a challenge – it's broken down three times
since the last prayer bulletin. I don't think I've asked for prayers for it
before, but maybe I should?! What's worrying is that I'm slowly starting to
feel the same affection towards it that I felt towards our previous Landrover,
an even older 1984 model. That one our mechanic did eventually get to a state
of reliability, and we're hoping this one is nearly at that state. However,
Nairobi's roads prove a challenge mechanically to almost all vehicles here,
and this model of Landrover (Discovery) isn't as tough as 'the old beast'
(110) was, so the problems are understandable to some degree. But my mechanic
is of the opinion that there's not much more he can replace on it, so maybe
things will improve?
Monday 22nd. December
Holiday Clubs were great! The first week for the younger kids saw them experiencing the Christmas Story from the perspective of Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and the wise men, playing lots of fun games, and craft and drama each day. The second week was really exciting – together with an AIDS educator, we were teaching the kids about life skills: they do have choices and how to make good ones. Sex and AIDS education came into it, but it was much wider than that, and went into a lot of issues and temptations that they come up against daily, demonstrating to them that they can say "NO!". They had a lot of fun with the dramas, as I'm sure you can imagine. Then again, so did the Kenyan team when they presented the theme each day. All the teaching was grounded in the Bible, and each day had a fun activity thrown in as well. On Friday of that week we invited the parents in for the morning, finishing with lunch. They had a chance to hear a summary of each day's teaching, which was educational for them as well, together with seeing their kids performing dramas and memory verses. Sex and AIDS education is something we've been wanting to introduce for some time now, and it was great to have someone qualified and experienced in this area to come in and present the teaching.
Up at the farm there was some sad news last week. One of the mamas, who was about 7 months pregnant with twins, went into an early labour. One baby was born dead up at the farm, and the second was delivered at Naivasha Hospital a day later, also dead. Jo and Emily went up to the hospital on Monday last week to counsel and pray with her. Jon and Pastor Shadrack went up on Tuesday to bury the baby born dead up at the farm – the other baby has been buried by the hospital. Altogether a sad situation, Incidentally, it is the same Mama who became a Christian a few weeks ago when we went up for the day to pray with the mums. I sense that she is troubled emotionally, with a lot of anger inside her – please pray for her along with the other mums.
Please stop praying for the Landrover. I am delighted to say that TP last week bought a Toyota Landcruiser to replace it. I am VERY happy!
The project is closed now until January 5th – a chance to catch up on office admin work. Not exciting, but part of the job for Emily and Jon. Emily is working on new publicity material and a new version of the website, and Jon is doing accounts and attempting to put a budget together for next year.
Thanks to all of you for your prayers over this last year – next year promises to be exciting with a new project in Kianda and preparing for the next batch of mums to go up to the farm, so please stay with us!